I am designing a mezuzah (based on the above image) that has LOVE on it in many languages
I need to check that I have the right words (must be the noun)
So far I have got
French - Amour
German - Liebe
Italian - Amore
Spanish - Amor
Hebrew - Ahava אהבה
Swedish - KÄRLEK
Danish - Kærlighed
Dutch - liefhebben
Polish - miłość
Japanese - 愛???
Chinese traditional ??? - 愛???
Chinese simplified - 恋
Russian - Купидон
Yiddish - Libn
If one of these is your native language can you confirm that I have got the correct word?
Google linguistics is giving me the same word/symbol for Japanese and Chinese...
And if you have anymore to add please contact me info@lauracowan.com
Is it me or is Twitter a load of old rubbish?
I’ve tried, but I really don’t get it.
I’ve followed Madonna, Barak Obama, Britney Spears (embarrassing, I know, I deleted her quickly), Martha Stewart, Stephen Fry (British comedian) and several friends.
Whenever I tell my friends that I can’t see the point they say, oooh, you must follow so and so, then you will see why it’s so good. But I still haven’t found anyone worth following.
Twitters don’t seem to filter their thoughts, so you just hear the ongoing babble in their head, which makes me realize that it’s a very good thing that we can’t read people’s minds.
That’s not to say I don’t love social networking on the internet. I am big fan of Facebook. Since I moved to Israel 13 years ago, I have missed that day to day contact with my friends from home, and now I can see what’s going on in their status updates and pics.
If you like Facebook too you will want to see this funny link. I came across is when I was googling Pesach and Passover for research for new Judaica designs.
The story of the Exodus as told on Facebook, check it out;