Nov 6, 2013

Not long till Hannukah - it's early this year - starts on the evening of Wednesday November 27th.
Buy any 2 Hannukah menorahs and get a FREE menorah of your choice! 
(Menorah must be of equal or lesser value to the least expensive menorah)
Offer good until December 16, 2013 while stocks last!

Simply order your two menorahs on my website and write in the comments box which free menorah you would like.

See thumbnails of all the menorahs together here

Shipping is by registered mail from Israel (1- 3 weeks depending on destination) is included in the prices displayed on my website. For faster shipping tick the Express Mail Box ($25)

Warm wishes,

Feb 11, 2013

Synagogues and My Mezuzahs

Several synagogues have been ordering my designs lately - one in San Francisco and one in Melbourne. I recently asked on Facebook if anyone had seen my mezuzahs at the Bowdon Synagogue in South Manchester, England. This is the delightful answer I received from one of my customers. 

Of course I have!  They are beautiful.  The shul is very contemporary, and there is a lot of light oak, on the doors and walls and door posts, where your mezuzahs sit.  There are large glass windows, with very good light. They fit in beautifully and are quite striking - architectural - which I guess is the aim.

From time to time we show groups of schoolchildren round the shul and always point them out, explaining what they are, and telling them that they're made by someone from South Manchester!  The teachers love them and the kids comment that they look like spaceships!  Job done!

We also love the ones we have in our small apartment in Tel Aviv.  We chose a variety of colours and finishes, and as we don't have a lot of artwork in there, they are really striking - as we intended.

It seems to me that you are going through a creative time at the moment - love the earrings, but I'm hoping you'll move on to bracelets and necklaces soon!

Hope you and your family are well. 

Warm wishes 

Diana Finn